INCLUDEME at Herbstpraktikum Autumn Internship in the Technology Park, Bremen
The Autumn Internship event, known as “Herbstpraktikum,” took place in the Gaming Lab at BIBA from October 16 to October 19, 2023, spanning four days. The primary objective of this event was to acquaint students with the INCLUDEME platform. Participants engaged in various activities and courses on the platform and received instruction on creating their activities and courses following established standards.
Throughout the event’s duration:
- Sessions were conducted to provide an overview of the INCLUDEME Platform.
- There were “2” interactive gaming sessions and “6” interactive development sessions that allowed students to create activities and courses according to their preferences.
- Students were also given guidance on creating activities in compliance with copyright standards.
- Towards the conclusion of the event, there was a discussion about the INCLUDEME platform, activities, courses, and H5P templates. Participants were encouraged to share it with their classmates and schools.

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