Findings from Includeme presented to educational staff in logistics and manufacturing operations

The usage of online and gamified applications for competence developments of our future engineers in logistics and production management is nowadays often considered to be an integral part of the engineering educations. However many of the applications are not accessible for students with special needs. As a part of BIBAs work in the  IFIP WG5.7 Special Interest Group on experiential learning in production management system and as a part of the long on-going involvement in the community attending the annual International Symposium on Logistics, researchers from BIBA have presented results and findings from the INCLUDEME project to the audience of their two main events- ISL 2023 in Enschede and APMS 2023 in Trondheim. The conferences had together around 350 participants. Most of the participants in these two events are educational staff at different universities around the world, so that we could both collect fruitful feedback from the attendees as well as foster discussion on how our gamified applications can be made more accessible. As a part of the work on increasing awareness, Ioana Stefan and Neil Judd presented more details on the specific work we have done on this topic in a webinar organized by the IFIP WG 5.7 SIG on SG with around 20 participants.

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